Love and anger
March 23, 2020Download our FREE informative guide for HR professionals and business owners today!
April 12, 2020Anger is the result of an unmet need. When one of our needs is not being met, we will naturally experience the emotion of anger. Part of understanding and managing it, is knowing that it serves as a signal to ourselves that something is not looking or feeling right. It might be your need to be respected, understood, acknowledged, loved or even more that is not being met. It is important to understand that anger is a useful emotion that can give you important information about a relationship or your environment. It alerts you that something you value has been violated or that an important need is not being met. This information is a useful tool that can help you make decisions about any current situation you may find yourself in. Imagine being angry every day? It would mean that your needs are not being met on a daily basis. With this type of information, you can clearly see that there is a bigger problem that needs to be addressed. What the emotion of anger did, was alert you. Now it's your choice to make a decision to fix the root of the problem or the anger will persist until it is addressed.